Saturday, December 06, 2003

yay went to yi's b-day party last night @ ken's place. mainly just hanged out, had icecream cake (yum!), and watched yi unwrapped her presents. (i feel so bad for not giving her a present =/) and later on we ended up playing Cranium. pretty complicated/hard game, but it was halirious trying to see each other's futile attempts to insinuate his/her teammates what thing/place/person he/she really meant. =)

left ken's place around 3ish am. came back and played more NFS:underground. that game is sooo addicting. graphic is so tight. went to sleep around 5ish and got up... 12 hours later when the sun set =) so my day's been short, since we've only been up 4 hours so far =)
viewed by Web Stats bored online geeks since Oct. 2003.