Saturday, May 01, 2004

Poor Francis...

"Speaking of Francis, is he not the most frustrating player in the game right now? I hate to rip him, since he is an ex-Terrapin, but he is beginning to put "Fear the Turtle" to shame. More like "Spear the Turtle." Somebody needs to tell Franchise that before he goes ripping aside his jersey to presumably expose his enlarged heart, he needs to actually hit the game-winning shot, not the one that ties the game with time still left. I wonder why he didn't do anything when he chucked up that airball at the buzzer that led to overtime in Game 5, which the Lakers predictably won. After that 18-foot airball that missed by a foot -- which is the NBA playoffs equivalent of a smart bomb aimed at Baghdad taking out the Eiffel Tower -- maybe Franchise should have ripped aside the right side of his jersey, where he does not have a heart."

-Frank Hughes, ESPN
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