Friday, July 02, 2004

Member Jul 2nd 12:19 PM
Maybe all that childhood time at the Nintendo wouldn't be wasted if there was a real-life Konami Code. It'd be sooooo cool:

- Go to the ATM {uuddlrlrbaba} - "Your balance is $300,000.00". SWEET

- Crap, this three day weekend is just too short. {uuddlrlrbaba} - "You have 30 days of vacation". WHEEEEEE

- Skydiving and the parachute doesn't work? {uuddlrlrbaba} - Extra lives, baby!

- Got caught walking through the wrong part of town? {uuddlrlrbaba} - Temporary invincibility! AWESOME!

- Late for work? {uuddlrlrbaba} - GO GO SPEED RACER!

Screw cures for cancer and AIDS, screw clean energy and fusion. We need more scientists making this code a reality!

Screw democrats and republicans. I will announce my candidacy for President of the United States and Supreme Leader of the World and will be running on the KONAMI CODE platform.

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